Archives July 2020

daily visits on casino websites

How many daily visits on casino websites are there?

How many daily visits on casino websites are there?

daily visits on casino websites

When we talk about measuring success on the digital front, we talk about metrics related to conversions. The first step to a conversion is a visit. No different to other businesses, visits on casino websites are what bring in the revenue.

If you own a business of this sort, you will know that a generic website visit is one step away from a revenue-generating conversion. The casino niche is so isolated in search terms and queries, a website visit always means something.

It is not a generic website or a mainstream business where anyone can reach looking for something that the business is not offering. People are bound to find your online casino only if they are looking for one.

This very behavior of online casino visitors makes the whole concept of the number of website visitors even more interesting. The number of visitors on your casino website is a measure of possible revenue streams.

When we talk about average casinos over the internet, they usually get about at least 250+ website visitors in a day. Those numbers are for the casinos that depend on search engine optimization for traffic.

Now, you need to make sure you are also above this minimum line for website visitors on your casino website. The process of increasing the traffic starts with knowing the traffic at the time being.

Knowing the visits on casino websites

If you are not looking to go into the complex process of analytics and tracking, you can simply start by enabling a simpler method of visitor tracking on your website.

It is a simple process made simpler by our plugin. You can simply add the plugin to your website and you can keep a check on the number of visitors on your website at any given time.

This can help you with measuring your reach and audiences based on your efforts. Based on this simple statistic, you can then devise a proper plan for optimization, marketing, and analytics to stay ahead of things.

Why do you need to know this very statistic? It’s really simple. You can only move forward if you know where you stand now. If you know how you are performing with the current strategy, you can then tweak it for better.

Knowing the number of visitors on your website at any given time helps you devise your optimization and marketing plans accordingly. If you know when you are doing your best and your worst, you can make amends to get better results.

Using the Visitor Right Now plugin on your website

We would want to quote a use-case for this so that you can realize how the plugin works and how it can help you with your business and analytical needs.

Bob Casino is one of our oldest clients using the Visitors Right Now plugin on their website ever since they decided to try their luck on the digital front of betting and gaming.

With the plugin installed on their website, they were able to analyze their strengths and their weaknesses in terms of performance correlative to specific hours of the day.

When they knew they were doing well during particular hours, they decided to market their website during a similar time range and thought of ways to attract a diverse clientele to the website in the hours with lower or no traffic.

That is just one use-case for the statistical knowledge of traffic on your website. With a simple visitor counter plugin on your website, you can start to make sense of your performance and your issues.

How to get more visitors on your website?

Being a casino website, you can start by adding relevant keywords to your webpages and writing some content that relates to your niche and includes those keywords.

In addition to the keywords, you can optimize your content and your webpages to perform better on search engines. With the right set of keywords used in the right way, you can always get more visitors.

Moreover, you can always start paid advertisements to drive traffic to your website. The right set of audiences and the right kind of ads can get you a lot of revenue for sure.


Knowing the number of visitors on your website is the first step to growing your business. As a casino website owner, you need to make sure you know where you stand and build on it to grow!

How to get more visitors to your website?

How to get more visitors to your website?

How to get more visitors to your website?

How to get more visitors to your website?

Do you want to know the secret behind a successful online business? If we keep it simple, we can say that the more visitors you get, the more successful you are. If you keep this rule in mind, you can be sure about being successful in any online business.

If you are not sure of the quantitative measure of your website traffic, you should. Because traffic plays a pivotal role in the success of your online business. More site traffic means more  chances of conversion.

We believe that site traffic contributes to more growth in your online business. Real traffic is a halfway mark for a successful sale. This idea comes from conventional business methodologies. 

Just like the number of visitors in a traditional store is directly proportional to your sale, online business runs on the same principle. As we told our clients, so we will tell you. When your business niche requires you to use tactics to lure customers to your website, do use them right. 

We asked them to use search terms related to their business, post social updates on that niche, and comment on posts related to that niche and we will tell you to do the same.

If consumers will pay heed to your marketing tactics, they are more likely to buy your product. Your sales strategy will fail if you are not getting enough visitors on your site. The whole idea of online business revolves around gathering as many visitors to your site as you can.

Knowing your current traffic

Liking the idea? If you also want to increase visitors to your site, first you need to know how many sites visitors you are getting now. For this, you can use simple visitors counter plugins for your WordPress site.

Once you have placed a visitor counter or a counter plugin on your website, you can now easily keep a record of your visitor count and get to know about the trends and patterns of the volume of visitors. 

The site visitor counter will show you exactly how many people visited your site. From here you can conclude pretty much all about the results of your marketing strategies. 

With this information in the hand, you can now move to the next step that is methods of driving traffic to a website. To increase traffic for your site you can apply some techniques. We are going to discuss some of these techniques ahead.

Get More Visitors to Your Site!

First, we will see what is pivotal to your online success: the trivial things you can do to enhance your site traffic. You have to focus on organic methods for driving traffic to the website. These methods will traffic in an organic way so you do not have to rely on advertisement strategies. 

One thing you need to know in the first place: Your website is as strong as the least number of visitors you get organically for your site. 

If you are not getting success in generating visitors organically, you probably won’t get any help in branded traffic either. You start with the question ‘how much traffic does a website get from organic sources?’ When you measure success.

Gathering organic visitors is not as hard as it seems to. To start with, the basic concept of gathering traffic through organic measures, there is a ‘trifold base concept’. 

You can follow this trio of three important base rules and we assure you that you will see a visible difference in the traffic on your site in a matter of a few days.

1.Improve your Search Ranking

Organic traffic greatly depends upon how much your site is discoverable on a search engine. The rule is simple: no one will visit your site if it is on the tenth page of the search query result. Nobody will skip all the recommended results and jump to your site.

For example, a user is searching for an informative blog about any topic of interest. Now users tend to visit the site that makes it to the top page of Google recommended sites. Thus increasing the traffic of the site. 

Your site is getting not much of the traffic? This is probably because your site does not get to be on Page 1 of Google Search. But we have a solution to this problem too. By making some key changes to your site you can also improve your search ranking.

2. Work on Keywords and content

You gather more visitors to your site by simply using the right keywords. With the right keywords in place, you can generate more and more traffic for your website as your search rank improves.

You can work on the keywords and content by making sure that you are following SEO principles when you are writing your content and then implementing those when you post it on your website as well.

Make sure your keyword density is perfect and the focal key phrase is placed in all the important places. Make sure your pictures, subheadings, and the title, all include the focal search term that you have found out as the best-ranked.

For your content, make sure you write something that provides value to the reader and helps them spread your word to their network as well. You can focus on answering common questions related to your focal niche.

You can write about solutions for problems that exist in the niche that you are related to and then use those common questions as search terms to rank better.

Also, make sure you share relevant content on social media with the right hashtags as well to help your content rank better on the search engines.

3. Build links and an audience

Add outbound and inbound links to your content. Add social posts with the link of your webpage on social platforms and create guest posts on other websites with backlinks.

When you build these links, Google trusts your website and your content better and you get to have a higher share of the audience for your relevant search terms.

Social posts also act as backlinks and as enrichment sources. Posts with the same LSIs and keywords as the blog tend to help your blog posts get more views as well.

4. Don’t overlook the images

Make sure you are using the right images and are optimizing them to perfection. Use bright and attractive preview images and make sure that your images are also SEO-wise perfect.

Add the right name with the correct search terms for the image and include your focal key phrase in the Alt. text for the image as well. Don’t miss out on those if you need traffic.

5. Marketing

If you want to do it on all fronts, you might also look to add marketing tactics to your arsenal. Use search ads or social media campaigns to drive traffic to your website.

Make sure you are targeting the right audience and are not just wasting an ad budget to generate fraudulent or useless traffic to your website. If you want to do it, do it right.


Make sure you are writing everything on your website keeping your search terms in mind and making everything perfect with regard to SEO. If that is being done, you will surely start to get more visitors soon enough.